Latrice McFadden is a dedicated REALTOR®/REALTIST® with a passion for helping clients find their dream homes and invest wisely in real estate. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit, she brings extensive experience to the table, ensuring that her clients receive top-tier guidance and insight through every stage of the buying and selling process. Known for her personalized approach, Latrice takes time to understand each client’s unique needs and goals, offering them a tailored experience that leads to successful and rewarding outcomes.
Beyond her commitment to real estate, Latrice is an active leader in her community, frequently organizing events and masterminds to empower and educate other real estate professionals. Her dedication to continual growth, learning, and mentorship demonstrates her commitment not only to her clients but also to the industry at large.
Outside of work, Latrice enjoys spending quality time with her family, exploring new destinations, and engaging in wellness activities that keep her grounded and focused. Her blend of industry expertise, community focus, and genuine care for her clients makes her a trusted advocate and guide for anyone looking to navigate the real estate market with confidence.
- 600 Park Offices Drive
Durham, NC 27709 - https://www.makeyourmove.biz
- 919.980.MYMI (Office Number)
- 919.730.0803
- Latrice(at)Latrice(dotted)biz